Role of the Bishop
As a successor to the Apostles, the Bishop of a diocese is entrusted with and concerned for the Diocesan Catholic Faithful, all of whom are committed to his care regardless of age, social condition or nationality.
The Bishop provides for the spiritual needs of those who live within the diocesan boundaries as well as those who are in temporary residence.
In addition to being the pastoral leader of the diocese, The Bishop is its administrative head. It is through his leadership, working with the Vicars, Diocesan Councils and Secretariat Directors that programs for parish assistance are developed and implemented based on the needs of the people.
If you would like to invite Bishop Jeffrey J. Walsh, to attend an event at your parish or school, please mail: Most Reverend Jeffrey J. Walsh, Bishop of Gaylord, 611 West North Street, Gaylord, MI 49735-8349, email pnemecek@dioceseofgaylord.org or fax to the attention of Patty Nemecek at 989-705-3589 using this Form to Request Bishop Visit.