Young Adults

Formed - app and website gives access to Catholic movies, podcasts, songs and books.

Mass Times for Travel - helps Catholics get to Mass by helping them find churches and worship times worldwide.

Pray as you go – examen and prayers for everyday.


Ascension – education resources, prayers, webinars, videos, and podcasts and articles.

Made for Love - A Catholic podcast from the USCCB asking the important questions about the call to love.

Pints with Aquinas - Every episode of Pints With Aquinas revolves around a question, a question that St. Thomas addresses in his most famous work, The Summa Theologica.

The Crunch Catholic - #1 podcast for Catholic young adults.


Augustine Institute | Catholic Educational Apostolate & Theology Graduate School - The Augustine Institute serves the formation of Catholics for the New Evangelization. Through academic and parish programs, they equip Catholics intellectually, spiritually, and pastorally to renew the Church and transform the world for Christ.

Catholic Youth Work – Resources, jobs and ideas for those who work with the youth in the Church.

Real Life Catholic - Chris Stefanick's non-profit with courses, pilgrimages, small groups, and podcasts.


Diocese of Gaylord - Bishop Walsh’s weekly check-ins and Saturday 5 PM Mass

Fish On Fridays - Enjoy a bite-sized nugget of information about our Catholic Faith! Each episode will feature another insight to who we are, what we do, and what we believe as Catholics.

St. Mary Cathedral - daily Mass