The custom of consecrating women to a life of virginity flourished even in the early Church. It led to the formation of a solemn rite constituting the candidate a sacred person, a surpassing sign of the Church’s love for Christ, and an eschatological image of the world to come and the glory of the heavenly Bride of Christ. In the rite of consecration the Church reveals its love of virginity, begs God’s grace on those who are consecrated, and prays with fervor for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
Those who consecrate their chastity under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit do so for the sake of more fervent love of Christ and of greater freedom in the service of their brothers and sisters. They are to spend their time in works of penance and of mercy, in apostolic activity, and in prayer, according to their state in life and spiritual gifts. To fulfill their duty of prayer, they are strongly advised to celebrate the Liturgy of Hours each day, especially Lauds or Vespers. In this way, by joining their voices to those of Christ the High Priest and of his Church, they will offer unending praise to the heavenly Father and pray for the salvation of the whole world. (Rite of Consecration to a Life of Virginity)
“Sign of the Great Mystery of Salvation:” a Reflection on the Rite of the Consecration of Virgins
Consecrated Virginity Outline in the Diocese of Gaylord
Initial Contact Form
Prerequisites before Petitioning to be Consecrated as a Virgin Living in the World
- An inquirer must be a female Roman Catholic. She must have received the Sacraments of Initiation prior to applying as a candidate. She must also approach consecration freely without force, grave fear, or malice. She must also be free from any prior sacred bond of another form of consecrated life or is seeking to transfer through proper protocols and discernment. In no circumstance should she begin formation before the age of 18 and she should be at least the age of 25 (or the usual age of marriage in the region) before receiving consecration (ESI 82).
- The inquirer must have never married or lived in public violation of chastity (that is, in a stable situation of cohabitation or in similar situations that would have been publicly known ESI 93). (Also refer to ESI 88). Her virginity must be intact, apart from being a victim of rape or incest (in which case she did not gift her virginity willingly, and she can still offer it). This, after all, a consecration of her virginity, which the woman must be able to testify is still present to be offered to Christ in a spousal relationship.
- By her age, prudence, and universally approved character, she gives assurance of perseverance in a life of chastity dedicated to the service of Christ and his Church.
- A convert to Catholicism should not be admitted into formation until she has practiced the Catholic Faith for at least two years.
- There should be various indications and spiritual experiences sufficiently articulated by the woman and confirmed by the bishop and/or her formator that in fact indicate the woman has an authentic call with proper motives to this vocation (ESI 85).
- To verify the validity of the woman’s spiritual experience, it must be evident that she has a personal relationship with Christ, belonging to the Church, contemplative dimension to her life with discipline, penitential practice, spiritual accompaniment, passion for the kingdom, love of Scripture, historical understanding of the vocation (ESI 86). She must have a deep love for Christ as her Bridegroom, so that she may enter into this spousal relationship with Him through the consecration of her virginity.
- The person applying should have spent the minimum of one year in spiritual direction and discernment of the various states of life prior to beginning formation toward being a consecrated virgin.
- Those requesting admission for formation toward becoming a consecrated virgin must have the recommendation of their pastor.
- Because of the human maturity required for this state of life and since the consecrated virgin is a public person in the Church, the candidate may be asked to undergo a psychological evaluation prior to being admitted to formation for the purpose of judging the maturity of the person and areas requiring further growth (ESI 89-91).
- The woman must accept the responsibility for her own livelihood and be able to demonstrate that she is able to support herself either by work or independent means (ESI 87).
- She must manifest prudence, fidelity to a spiritual plan of life, accept wholeheartedly the teaching of the Catholic faith, and manifest a filial love for the local Church and the Bishop of the Diocese, to whom she will be closely linked as a consecrated virgin. The bishop of the diocese is standing in the place of Christ, due to apostolic succession, to receive the woman’s consecration.
- Articles & Resources for Consecrated Virginity
https://www.consecratedvirgins.org/- Consecrated Virgins in the Diocese of Gaylord