One-Time Gift
A one-time gift is a donation made at once with no future commitment. Online, these are accepted with credit/debit cards or direct debit information. Through the mail, these are accepted by check, cash, IRA distribution, or through a donor-advised fund; see mailing information below. One-time gifts can also be made through a gift of stock. For more information about stock gifts, please click here.

Important Note: If you are making a payment on an existing CSA 2024 pledge, please click here.
Recurring Gift
A recurring gift is an ongoing, monthly gift with no end date. This gift will automatically renew at the beginning of each CSA campaign with no action necessary on the part of the donor. This gift can be changed or ended at any time by contacting Hope Evans, Stewardship Coordinator, at 989-705-3557 or These gifts can be made with credit/debit card or direct debit information.

Pledge Commitment
A pledge is a commitment to give a set gift amount using payments over the duration of the CSA campaign. Payment information will not carry over from one pledge to another and should be resubmitted for each new pledge made.

Mailing a CSA Gift
Please send mail to:
Diocese of Gaylord, ATTN CSA
611 W North St., Gaylord, MI 49735
Make checks payable to Diocese of Gaylord. In the memo denote the name of the parish you are giving to.