Renewing the Vision | USCCB – pastoral framework as a blueprint for the continued development of effective ministry with youth and adolescents in local communities of faith.
Vatican Statement – Post-synodal apostolic exhortation of the Holy Father Francis to young people and to the entire people of God.
Formed - app and website gives access to Catholic movies, podcasts, songs and books.
Pray as you go – examen and prayers for everyday.
YOUCAT Daily - daily 5 minute does of the Holy Gospel.
Catholic Mission Trips Incorporated – non-profit organization that offers short term foreign and domestic mission trips for youth groups, college students, and families to serve the poor and rebuild communities in need.
Catholic Youth Work – Resources, jobs and ideas for those who work with the youth in the Church.
Cultivation Ministries – not-for-profit dedicated to developing disciple-making Catholic youth ministry. Aids in training youth ministers, developing youth ministry in parishes, and support resources for youth ministry leaders.
EQ Saints – Offers helpful resources, hands-on training and inspiring events to provide youth ministry leaders.
FRG Ministry – Encounter by FRGMinistry cover teaching, devotional and practical elements of the Catholic to help individuals grow in their faith and understanding of the Catholic Church, and their relationship with Jesus Christ.
NCYC – National Catholic Youth Conference is a powerfully unique three-day experience of prayer, community, evangelization, catechesis, service, and empowerment for Catholic teenagers (of high school age) and their adult chaperones held annually.
National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry - NFCYM – organization committed to advancing the field of pastoral ministry to young people.
Steubenville Conferences – Encounter Christ youth at conferences at Franciscan University of Steubenville and 16 regional conferences across North America.
YDisciple - library of training content ranging from practical to spiritual skills helps train faithful adults to be more than instructors, but disciple-makers.
Ascension – education resources, prayers, webinars, videos, and podcasts and articles.
Catholic Community Service | RCL Benziger – faith formation curriculum with books and other resources.
Saint Mary's Press: The Catholic Bible Publisher for Teens – resource for curriculum,
books and eLearning.
WorshipNOW Publishing | Modern Catholic Music – resource for modern worship music and hymnals.
Youth Faith Formation - youth ministry resource with books and toolkits.
Diocese of Gaylord - (Bishop Walsh’s weekly check-ins and Saturday 5 pm Mass)
St. Mary Cathedral - (daily Mass)