Synod Timeline

December 2021: Pastors and Directors of Parish Life receive information on the Synod and collaborate with a Pastoral Council or its equivalent to nominate a local Synodal Coordinator.  


January 2022: Parishes/clusters submit names of Synodal Coordinators to Diocesan Synodal Team. Coordinators receive information and documents on Synod process and begin to assemble parish/cluster teams. Parish study guides will be distributed throughout the diocese. Pastors/Directors of Parish Life prepare congregations with prayer and teaching on synodality and the synodal process.  


February 2022: Coordinators attend one of two online trainings to prepare for consultation.  Trainings are scheduled for February 22 at 10am and February 23 at 6pm, and will be recorded for those unable to attend.  Coordinators plan consultations and invite participants.


March 1, 2022: Parishes/clusters may begin to conduct in-person consultations.  


May 30, 2022: Deadline for parish/cluster consultation reports to be submitted to Diocese of Gaylord.  


June 30, 2022: Diocese of Gaylord submits synthesis to USCCB.  


August 15, 2022: USCCB submits synthesis for continental bishops’ gathering.