Decree: Norms on the Preservation and Improvement of Property

I, the Most Reverend Jeffrey J. Walsh, Bishop of Gaylord by the grace of God and the favor of the Apostolic See, hereby promulgate the attached norms which apply to all constructions projects as a matter of diocesan law.

These norms bind all the Christian faithful of the diocese, that is, Catholic clergy and laity including members of religious and secular institutes and societies of apostolic life. These norms bind all public juridic persons in the diocese. The diocese itself is a public juridic person, as are all of its parishes and any other juridic persons so founded or recognized.

These norms do not bind private associations of the Christian faithful such as the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul, Knights of Columbus, and Ladies of Charity, etc. On financial matters, such associations are bound to follow their own statutes, which may or may not require diocesan consultation or approval. In any case, these private associations are highly encouraged to keep the diocesan bishop apprised of any construction projects on which they embark and to receive at least his tacit permission for any associated fundraising.

Besides the diocesan norms promulgated by this decree, all who are bound by these norms must also observe canons in the revised Code of Canon Law on property (i.e., canons 1254-1310) and all related norms issued by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.

These norms are to take legal effect on August 4, 2023, and abrogate any prior diocesan customs, practices, or laws to the contrary.

A month before their effective date these norms are to be published on the website of the Diocese of Gaylord. Meanwhile, all clergy, directors of parish life, administrators of Catholic schools, and members of religious and secular institutes or societies of apostolic life are to receive advance notice.

Anything to the contrary notwithstanding.

Given in Gaylord, Michigan on the Feast of Saint Thomas, Apostle, the third day of July, in the year of our Lord, 2023.

Most Reverend Jeffrey J. Walsh
Bishop of Gaylord

Julie A. Erhardt