A polarized Church. A divided nation. Pope Francis calls for “a better kind of politics.” How will you respond?
As Catholics, we take to heart Jesus’ invitation to follow the example of the Good Samaritan, who challenges us to “become neighbors to all” (no. 80). As a Church and a nation, we are polarized and divided. But as Pope Francis writes in Fratelli Tutti, we can seek “a better kind of politics, one truly at the service of the common good” (no. 154). We can see ourselves as members of one family. We can seek to encounter and to grow. We can identify common values. We can listen to understand. We can seek the truth together. We can jointly come up with creative solutions to the problems that face our world.
Civilize It: A Better Kind Of Politics is a response to Pope Francis’ invitation. Join us to model this “better kind of politics.” Take the below pledge at civilizeit.org to commit to seeking the truth, building bridges, and finding solutions together that promote the common good. Individuals, families, and communities can participate.
Taking the pledge is just the first step. Additional materials can help us as we reimagine our way of being in the world. Begin today by loving God through encounter with a neighbor as a sister or brother.
- To affirm through my words and actions the dignity of every person, each made in God’s image. Even those with whom I disagree are made in his image.
- To respectfully listen in order to understand experiences different from my own.
- To engage in critical examination to ensure that my perspectives are rooted in truth, that my sources of information are unbiased, and that I do not open myself to manipulation by partisan interests.
- To form my conscience through prayerful reflection, study of scripture and Church teaching, and guidance from reputable experts.
- To reflect on my own values and seek, with others, to identify shared values.
- To be open to the process of dialogue that can require change of perspective—my own and others’—in service to the inviolable dignity of all and the common good.
- To be a bridgebuilder who participates in constructive dialogue based in shared values, a mutual exchange of gifts, and the humility to together seek the good.
- To see differences in perspective as opportunities for creative tension which can yield solutions for the common good.
- To work with others in order to identify creative solutions rooted in our shared values.
For more information and the Civilize It campaign and to take the pledge, visit civilizeit.org.