May 14, 2021
Dear Friends in Christ:
I am thankful that the time has come, for all who are able, to return to in-person celebrations of Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation (including the Saturday/Vigil).
With this in mind, I am lifting the dispensation from that obligation, effective the weekend of May 29-30, 2021. All who are able are invited to return to in-person worship.
Our virtual celebrations have been a great blessing to us over these past months, and I want to thank all who have made them possible. Yet, we know that no digital experience could ever take the place of being physically present, and no virtual celebration fulfills our Sunday obligation. Our churches are safe places, and with the vaccines that are available and encouraged, we are in a different time in which the general dispensation is no longer necessary or advisable in light of our obligation to come together to “Keep Holy the Sabbath Day.”
There are, of course, serious reasons why some may not be able to return to in-person celebrations, and they would therefore be dispensed from attending in accord with our traditional teachings (i.e. illness, family situations, impossibility, etc.). For those who are unable to be physically present due to these rare circumstances, the virtual celebration of the Mass will still be available as it was prior to the onset of the pandemic, at the discretion of the local pastor.
I am grateful to our pastors, and all God’s people, for their flexibility, fidelity and generosity in support of the mission of the Church. As we begin to gather together with as few restrictions in our parish churches as possible, I warmly welcome back those who are returning at this time.
Sincerely yours in Christ,
+Most Reverend Walter A. Hurley
Apostolic Administrator