Today, the Most Reverend Jeffrey J. Walsh, bishop of the Diocese of Gaylord, announced the closure of Manistee Catholic Central School at the end of this 2023-2024 school year. On March 21, 2024, Bishop Walsh shared that for the school to remain open $2 million would be needed to fund one year. An additional 18 days were provided to raise the needed funds. The extended time given to solicit donations before the deadline of April 8 yielded more funds but fell short of the goal.
Bishop Walsh said: “The past few months have been long and exhausting for everyone involved. There have been valiant efforts, especially by alumni, to rally for the school, which will be rewarded by God in his own ever-trustworthy ways. All who contributed are to be commended.
“Understanding that people are hurt, let us make a special appeal to our better angels to guide us through the days, weeks and months ahead. No one desired this outcome. The sad reality is that many factors, some under our control and others not, contributed to the outcome.”
In regard to what is next, Bishop Walsh explained the diocesan and school leadership will provide guidance to help the students and staff with related concerns. A closing Mass and ceremonials will be planned. A Divine Mercy Parish strategic planning process will begin in the near future, and a shared vision of ministries and use of buildings/properties should be developed to provide what can be a new and creative energy for the Catholic community in Manistee.
Bishop Walsh added: “Although this is a time for mourning a loss, like our ancestors in faith, we must always be a people of hope in what God has yet in store for us.”
To read Bishop Walsh’s full letter, click HERE