In continued response to the devastating May 20 tornado that impacted the Gaylord community, all parishes of the Diocese of Gaylord will be taking up a special emergency collection on May 28-29 to provide aid and support to those in need.
The Most Reverend Jeffrey J. Walsh, bishop of the Diocese of Gaylord, issued the following:
“We mourn the loss of the two Gaylord residents who lost their lives in the storm last Friday (May 20), and we will continue to pray for the more than 40 who were injured. As we work to restore and rebuild, the community response has been truly inspirational. Countless volunteers, utility workers, first responders and people from both Gaylord and outside the area have accomplished much already, and it is our hope to do our part as a Catholic community in providing spiritual and material assistance in the ongoing recovery efforts.
“To provide immediate and long-term assistance, parishes of the Diocese of Gaylord will take up a second collection at all Masses the weekend of May 28-29, 2022, for Tornado Relief. Funds from this special collection will be channeled to the local Otsego Community Foundation’s ‘Tornado Response Fund’ for immediate relief, short-term recovery and long-term rebuilding. Working with community partners such as United Way, Habitat for Humanity, Food Pantry, etc., grants will focus on getting displaced people into both short-term and long-term housing and provide basic necessities.
“Those who do not have the opportunity to give to this special collection at a weekend Mass have the option to donate online on the diocesan website. Please visit www.dioceseofgaylord.org/make-a-gift to make a contribution. Thank you for your concern and support!”
Details of this collection can be found below:
What: Diocese of Gaylord Tornado Relief special collection
When: Weekend of May 28-29, 2022 (Memorial Day weekend)
Where: Every parish in the Diocese of Gaylord and/or online: www.dioceseofgaylord.org/make-a-gift

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Click here for previous May 20 statement from Bishop Walsh and May 21 video message from Bishop Walsh.