Victim Support Provided by the Diocese

For more than 20 years, the Church has sought to transparently confront the evils of clergy sexual abuse directly while also providing a trauma-informed response to survivors and the community.

The Diocese of Gaylord seeks to protect minors and vulnerable adults in addition to helping those wounded by abuse. For those who may have experienced sexual abuse, there is hope and healing.

Reporting Abuse

Our Victim Assistance Coordinator serves to walk alongside survivors in their journey of healing. The first responsibility of the Victim Assistance Coordinator is to listen to and take reports of sexual abuse.

As a mandated reporter, the Victim Assistance Coordinator contacts and cooperates with law enforcement and notifies the bishop of any allegation received. While partnering closely with law enforcement and coordinating with the diocese, the Victim Assistance Coordinator plays a key role in advocating for and providing support to the victim throughout the process.

Healing process

Healing from any type of trauma, especially sexual abuse, is a process that takes time. With the goal of empowering the survivor, the Diocese of Gaylord helps by assisting the individual in finding resources for both emotional and spiritual counseling.

The Victim Assistance Coordinator will facilitate pastoral counseling and if needed work with the survivor to find a counselor of their choosing, helping to select an appropriate clinician based on the type of therapy needed. The Victim Assistance Coordinator will also coordinate a meeting with bishop, if the victim requests or would be helpful for the healing journey. Evidence shows that counseling and psychotherapy prove effective in promoting empowerment, leading to the healing of emotional wounds.
