Bulletin Announcement for November 2-3, 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time

Celebrating National Vocations Week
As we celebrate National Vocations Awareness Week, the Diocese of Gaylord asks for your prayers and support of vocations to the priesthood. Please keep in prayer our six seminarians: Jake Belanger, Andrew Feister, Jerry Przekora, David Witkowski, John Mawby and Mark Steck. 

We also thank the thousands of parishioners who have contributed to the Diocesan Seminarian Vocation Trust Fund, helping to create a healthy endowment to support our seminarian’s education. 

A special thanks to the Alan and Dorothy Caron Trust. The late couple’s legacy estate gift of more than $1 million is supporting one seminarian’s education annually in perpetuity. Alan and Dorothy were devout Catholics who were parishioners of Immaculate Conception Parish in Traverse City since 1982 until their passing. Alan entered into eternal life in 2007 at the age of 83; Dorothy in 2023 at the age of 101. 

If you’d like to support the Seminarian Vocation endowment, contact Tom Hardy at 231-922-9070 or tom@nmcatholicfoundation.org.

Pray for Seminarians
The Diocese of Gaylord Office of Vocations invites you to join the St. Monica & St. Andrew Society. 

St. Monica prayed for decades for the conversion of her son, St. Augustine, who eventually became a priest, bishop, doctor of the Church and saint. St. Andrew the Apostle invited his brother Peter to follow Jesus, and it was that simple invitation from one brother to another which gave us our first pope.

This society helps to develop a culture of vocations in our diocese founded in prayer and invitation. Members are asked to make the following commitments:

  • Pray daily for vocations in our diocese.
  • Invite one person to consider the priesthood or religious life or send one note of encouragement to someone from our diocese in formation every month.
  • Organize or attend public prayer for vocations in your parish once a month.
  • Assist, as you are able, with the vocation activities of the diocese.

Members will receive a prayer card for our seminarians and regular email updates with prayer requests. There is no cost to be a member of the society. Please email vocations@dioceseofgaylord.org or call 989-705-3502 to become a member.

Pray Daily with Bishop Walsh
Begin your day in prayer with Bishop Walsh. Each day, the bishop will share a daily prayer and petition, providing an opportunity to reflect before starting your daily routine.

Taken directly from the Liturgy of Hours, the morning prayer intercessions help us in sanctifying the day with prayer, ultimately bringing us closer to God and closer to the universal Church.

Visit our Facebook page facebook.com/diocesegaylord or our YouTube channel youtube.com/@DioceseofGaylordMI to join in the daily Prayers & Intentions. 

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Up North Catholic E-Newsletter
The Diocese of Gaylord has recently launched a weekly e-newsletter that will help deepen your understanding and relationship with God. Subscribe now and receive a variety of faith-based content including Bishop Walsh's "Checking In" video via email every Wednesday afternoon. Sign up today: dioceseofgaylord.org/subscribe.

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Vocation Views

Stewardship by the Book

Stewardship Reflections

Family Perspective by Bud Ozar