In support of the people of Ukraine, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops has encouraged that all dioceses to join in this collective prayer and in providing critical assistance. Bishop Walsh has asked all parishes in the Diocese of Gaylord to take up a special collection this coming weekend, March 12-13, 2022, to provide this urgent aid to the people of Ukraine.
This special collection joins us with our brothers and sisters around the United States in providing immediate help to the Ukrainian people who are facing unthinkable danger, insecurity and displacement. I urge you to consider making a gift to this special fund to bring immediate and tangible assistance to those affected by this war and in great need.
Thank you for your generous support of this special collection, and for your ongoing prayer for the people of Ukraine. Bishop Walsh echos Bishop Hurley’s encouragement that we pray together with shared intention:
Heavenly Father,
We pray for the people of Ukraine
and all those who are threatened by war,
that by the grace of Christ the King,
all nations may pursue more perfect justice
which ensures a true and lasting peace.
Gifts can be made through the special parish collection or can also be made directly online on the diocesan website and designated for the “Special Collection for Ukraine.”