History of Lent - What did fasting used to look like?
The Lenten season, preparation for Easter, has been observed from the onset of the Church, although there have been inconsistencies with duration and practices. The Council of Nicea, 325 A.D., established Easter’s fluid date as the Sunday following the first full moon of the vernal equinox. In 461 A.D., Pope St. Leo established the duration as 40 consecutive days before Easter. Pope Gregory the Great, in the sixth century, added the dispensing of ashes the preceding Wednesday (Ash Wednesday), making Lent 46 days. Sundays were considered feast days and not included in the count.
Initially, all forms of meat, fish and animal products were excluded for the entirety of Lent. People were allowed one meal per day, after 3 p.m. In the 1400s, that time was revised to noon. Eventually, a small snack was included to sustain energy. Over time, fish, meat and eventually dairy products were allowed. However, fasting was required all 40 days. It wasn’t until 1966 that fast days were lessened to Ash Wednesday and Good Friday only.
Meatless Meals
Oven-Fried Fish Fillets
Serves 4
- 1 lb. sole, cod or lake perch
- 4 Tbsp unsalted butter
- ⅔ cup Ritz crackers, crushed
- ¼ cup grated Parmesan cheese
- ½ tsp dried basil
- ½ tsp dried oregano
- ¼ tsp garlic powder
Pre-heat oven to 350º. Melt butter in a 9” x 13” pan in the oven. While it melts, combine the other ingredients, except the fish, in a pie pan. Dip the fish in the melted butter, then dip into the crushed cracker mixture and return to the baking pan. Bake the fillets for 20 to 25 minutes or until the fish flakes with a fork.
Holy Hour (and a Half)
Deepen your relationship with Jesus and be a part of the Eucharistic Revival. Bishop Walsh is hosting Holy Hour (and a Half) consisting of exposition, adoration, benediction, and eucharistic catechesis.
- March 5, 3 p.m. at St. Francis Xavier, Petoskey - North Vicariate
- March 12, 3 p.m. at St. Joseph, West Branch - Southeast Vicariate
Daily Readings QR Codes
"Pray with God’s Word this Lent! Get the daily readings sent to your email each morning. Sign up for your free subscription from the United States Council of Catholic Bishops here":
"¡Ore con la Palabra de Dios en esta Cuaresma! Reciba las lecturas diarias enviadas a su correo electrónico cada mañana. Regístrese aquí para su suscripción gratuita de USCCB":
Staying Awake in the Woke Culture – Catholic Men’s Conference
2023 Absolute Catholic Men's Conference with featured speaker Dcn. Harold Burke-Sivers.
Attend the Absolute Catholic Men’s conference Sat. March 4, 2023 from 9:00 AM- 2:20 PM. Located at St. Francis High School Auditorium in Traverse City this event will focus on men’s roles as husbands, fathers, and Catholic men living in and navigating an ever increasing woke culture.
Early Bird Registration (before Feb. 21) - $30 plus free book
Registration: $35
Clergy and Men under 20 – free
Register: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/staying-awake-in-the-woke-culture-catholic-mens-conference-tickets-517703604417
For more information go to AbsoluteCatholic.com
Religious Liberty Essay Contest
Religious freedom is a fundamental right. But the truth of religious freedom has needed, and continues to need, witnesses. Share the story of a witness to freedom. Choose one person (or group, such as an organization or community) who is important in the story of freedom. Was there a key moment in the person’s life that bears witness to freedom? Or was it the life as a whole? Did the person articulate important concepts for religious freedom, and if so, what arguments did she or he make? Why is this person a witness to religious freedom? What lessons can we learn from this person’s witness?
First Prize: $2,000 scholarship Second Prize: $1,000 scholarship Third Prize: $500 scholarship.
All three winning essays will be published at usccb.org.
Essays are due March 24, 2023.
Winners will be announced in May.
Submission information is available at www.usccb.org/religious-liberty-essay.
2023 Father Charles Irvin Memorial Writing Scholarship
FAITH Catholic is pleased to sponsor a writing scholarship contest for Catholic high school seniors within the dioceses of FAITH’s publishing partners.
The 2023 essay subject is: Tell us about the person in whom you most see the face of Christ.
Here are the specifics:
- Applicants: Catholic high school seniors who are students at a diocesan Catholic high school and/or who are active participants in their parish’s youth group/religious education program.
- Essay length: 800-1200 words
- Entries due: March 17, 2023
- Scholarship: One $1,500 first prize
- Judges: FAITH and other publications editorial staff
Submissions must be sent by Director of Religious Formation, Catholic Youth Minister, Catholic high-school teacher, or pastor. Direct student submissions will not be considered.
Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat Weekend
Rachel’s Vineyard is hosting a retreat April 21 at 2 PM to April 23 at 2 PM at the Augustine Center in Conway. The weekend is a chance to get away from daily pressures to focus on buried emotions of the past and walls that have limited our lives due to the effects of abortion. Rachel's Vineyard provides a confidential, non-judgmental, safe, and caring environment for men and women seeking healing, restoration and renewal. The weekend will help your soul find a voice and transform the pain of the past into hope and love.
Cost for the weekend is $170 per participant, which includes two-night accommodations, meals and retreat material.
(Financial Help is Available)
To register or if you have questions, contact Jane O’Brien or Kristyn Lent
Jane O’Brien: 231-675-1715 or jobrien4611@gmail.com
Kristyn Lent: 231-838-8383 or klent@charter.net
Stewardship by the Book
What temptations lure us from the path of discipleship? Possession? Pride? Power? Oh Lord, create for us a clean heart and renew a steadfast spirit within us!
Vocation View
Lent is a season of renewal, the springtime of spiritual growth. These forty days invite us to examine our lives and strive for our true calling.
Stewardship Reflections
“It is written: The Lord, your God, shall you worship and him alone shall you serve.” Matthew 4:10
Tempted between the riches and power of this world and service to God, Jesus chose service to His Father. If we wish to truly follow Jesus, we, too, must decide to turn away from worldly power and riches and put God at the center of our lives. Lent is our time to prune ourselves of earthly things. Ask God how he is calling you to serve.
Family Perspective by Bud Ozar
In today’s gospel Jesus cautions it is not enough to provide food for our children; “one does not live on bread alone.” Let Lent 2020 be a time when you are “led by the Spirit” to explore new ways to be a moral guide to your children.
Abuse of Minors or Vulnerable Adults by Priests, Deacons or Others
To report allegations of sexual abuse of minors or vulnerable adults within the Diocese of Gaylord by priests, deacons or other employees or volunteers, regardless of when it occurred, individuals should: Contact local law enforcement and the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (855-444-3911). The Michigan Attorney General’s Office has also set up a special phone line for people to share information that may be of help in their ongoing investigation of sexual misconduct by Catholic clergy. That number is 844-324-3374. You may also contact the Diocesan Victim Assistance Coordinator, Larry LaCross, at 989-705-9010.
In the State of Michigan many professionals, including clergy, teachers, doctors, counselors and named others are mandated reporters. This means such individuals are REQUIRED to make an oral or online report IMMEDIATELY to the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services if they suspect a child is being neglected or abused in any way. Individuals may call the state report line at the number above, which is answered 24 hours a day, or submit a report online at https://www.michigan.gov/mdhhs/0,5885,7-339-73971_7119---00.html.