Bulletin Announcement for October 12-13, 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time

World Mission Sunday
Why World Mission Sunday Matters
World Mission Sunday, observed on October 20th this year, is not just another Sunday; it is a powerful reminder of our call to be missionaries. The collection taken up on this day is unique as it is mandated by the Code of Canon Law and is essential for the survival and growth of the Church in mission territories. 
These funds support the pastoral and evangelizing work of the Church, including building churches, providing healthcare and education, and training future priests and religious. In places where resources are scarce, your generosity makes a profound difference. As we reflect on the theme "Go and invite everyone to the banquet," let us remember that our participation and support help invite countless souls to the feast of God's love. 

Materials: Message from Pope Francis, Letter from Bishop Jeffrey J. Walsh, WMS 2024 Resource Guide, WMS 2024 Poster

Farm Mass | Oct. 19
You and your family are invited to the Diocese of Gaylord Farm Mass!

Date: Saturday, October 19, 2024
Where: The Rustic Barn at Godfrey Farm
Time: 11 am - 1 pm (parking opens at 10:30 am)

Attend this special Mass for the farming community celebrated by Bishop Walsh, with lunch to follow.

Learn more and RSVP at: dioceseofgaylord.org/farmmass
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Calling Young Artists
Submit artwork for Bishop’s Advent Card

The Diocese of Gaylord invites all artists in grades 7-12 to participate in an art contest to create a beautiful depiction of the Blessed Mother and Child. The winning artwork will grace the cover of Bishop Walsh’s Advent Card, sent to all parishioners. The selected artist will receive recognition on the card, in a special feature in Faith magazine, and on the diocesan online communities and website.

Deadline for submissions is Oct. 29, 2024. For complete contest details, visit DioceseofGaylord.org/2024ArtContest.

Image:  Color, BW, Flyer

Pray Daily with Bishop Walsh
Begin your day in prayer with Bishop Walsh. Each day, the bishop will share a daily prayer and petition, providing an opportunity to reflect before starting your daily routine.

Taken directly from the Liturgy of Hours, the morning prayer intercessions help us in sanctifying the day with prayer, ultimately bringing us closer to God and closer to the universal Church.

Visit our Facebook page facebook.com/diocesegaylord or our YouTube channel youtube.com/@DioceseofGaylordMI to join in the daily Prayers & Intentions. 

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Michigan Catholic Women’s Conference
Registration is open for the 2024 Michigan Catholic Women’s Conference
God wants to radiate His Love and Glory to you!

When: Saturday, October 12, 2024
Where: Lansing Center- Lansing, MI 
Time: 9 am - 5 pm
Learn more about the conference and register now at MichiganCWC.org

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Up North Catholic E-Newsletter
The Diocese of Gaylord has recently launched a weekly e-newsletter that will help deepen your understanding and relationship with God. Subscribe now and receive a variety of faith-based content including Bishop Walsh's "Checking In" video via email every Wednesday afternoon. Sign up today: dioceseofgaylord.org/subscribe.

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Vocation Views

Stewardship by the Book

Stewardship Reflections

Family Perspective by Bud Ozar