Implementing Catholic Social Teachings

Social Justice Issues


Our faith informs us that it is important for every citizen to bring together the guidance of the Gospel and the opportunities of our democracy to help shape a society more respectful of human life and dignity, and more committed to justice and peace.

We as a Catholic community are called to a common commitment to ensure that political life serves the common good of the human person. Our call to political responsibility is neither a partisan nor a sectarian appeal, but a call to reinvigorate the democratic process as a place for debate about what kind of society we want to be, and about what values and priorities should guide our nation.

National Government

United States Senate
House of Representatives
Attorney General
White House

State Government

Michigan House of Representatives
Michigan State Senate
Michigan Supreme Court
Michigan Legislature

Michigan Catholic Conference Legislative Network

The Michigan Catholic Conference was founded in 1963 as the public policy voice of the Catholic Church in Michigan. The MCC serves in this capacity so that the Catholic Church's position on public policy matters may be presented with one voice to the executive, legislative and judicial branches of state government. The Conference distributes Lansing Update every Friday when the Legislation is in session. Individuals may also sign up to become part of the Catholic Legislative Advocacy Network so that you may easily contact the governor and legislators with input on important legislation.

Michigan Catholic Conference sponsors Catholic Legislative Day every year in April to allow all Catholics an opportunity to discuss vital issues with their state legislators. For more information contact Michigan Catholic Conference or the Diocese of Gaylord, Justice and Peace office.

National Legislative Network

Educates, lobbies and organizes to influence the formation of federal legislation that promotes economic and social justice.

National Catholic Social Justice Lobby - NETWORK