Bulletin Announcement for March 8-9, First Sunday of Lent

The First Sunday of Lent
In his message for Lent in 2024, Pope Francis reminds us that "Lent is a season of conversion, a time of freedom."
"And having set them before the Lord, your God,
you shall bow down in his presence.”—Deuteronomy 26:10


CRS Rice Bowl Collection | Mar. 5 – Apr. 17
CRS Rice Bowl is celebrating 50 years of helping Catholic faith communities bring Lent to life and encounter God through our global family. During the 40 days of Lent, let us journey together through CRS Rice Bowl to meet people in Nigeria, Guatemala and Bangladesh who are rising above the challenges of hunger and malnutrition.

Pick up your rice bowl from [LOCATION] on [DATE].

Visit crsricebowl.org/join to share your Lenten prayer intentions


Miles Christi Annual Conference | Mar. 15 & 16
Register today for Miles Christi’s Annual Conference for Study and Prayer entitled, "Behold This Heart."
Mar. 15-16, 2025 | Saint John's Resort | Plymouth, Michigan.
The Conference for Study & Prayer is a weekend event aimed at helping Catholics better understand their faith. Miles Christi invites knowledgeable speakers who provide thorough and sound presentations on important topics of our Catholic Faith and its impact on society.

St. Andrew's Luncheon | April 15, 2025
When: after the 11 am Chrism Mass in Gaylord
There is no cost for this event, but please RSVP by Tuesday, April 8: dioceseofgaylord.org/standrewluncheon
Questions? Email vocations@dioceseofgaylord.org or call (231) 262-2792.

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Quo Vadis | Where are you going?
Young Men's Summer Camp
July 31-Aug. 2, Higgins Lake

Quo Vadis camp is an opportunity to experience fraternity with other young men who desire to live a life of deep meaning. Spend three days up north at Higgins Lake with relaxation and prayer, while learning more about God’s desires for your life.

Register by Friday, July 4 and find out more at: dioceseofgaylord.org/quovadis2025, or by emailing vocations@dioceseofgaylord.org, or calling (231) 262-2792.

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Forms: Parent Permission Form, Medical Treatment Form

Attend the Women's Cursillo Weekend
When: Mar. 20 - 23, 2025
Where: Augustine Center in Conway, MI
Cost: $200/person
Beginning on Thursday evening and ending Sunday evening, a team of religious and lay personnel present a series of talks and discussions to call upon the Holy Spirit. Throughout the weekend, the participants will pray together, attend daily Mass and have an opportunity to receive the sacrament of reconciliation.

Learn more and register: gaylordcursillo.org/cursillo-weekend


To Encounter Christ
To Encounter Christ (TEC) is a spiritual movement for high school seniors and college students.
What: A three-day retreat weekend
When: Mar. 14-16, 2025
Where: Camp Daggett, Petoskey
This high energy and spirit-filled retreat includes dynamic reflections, music, sacraments, adoration, small group dialogue and prayer.

For more information about the local TEC community and retreat registration, visit newlifetec.org.


Jubilee 2025 Events
Mar. 28 at 6 pm, Divine Mercy, Manistee
Stations of the Cross followed by Mass focused on repentance and Divine Mercy.

April 6 at 11 am, St. Mary, Lake Leelanau
Mass focused on the beginning of Passiontide.

May 2-4, Our Lady of Champion, WI
“Walk to Mary” pilgrimage to only approved Marian apparition site in the U.S.

June 13 at 11 am, Sacred Heart Oscoda
Votive Mass of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

July 28 at 9 am, St. Augustine, Hillman
Mass focused on Blessed Solanus Casey.

Aug. 15 at 11 am, St. Mary Shrine Mio
Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary outdoor Mass

Sept. 14 at 10:30 am, Cross in the Woods, Indian River 
Feast of the Exultation of the Holy Cross Outdoor Mass 

Oct. 11 at 5 pm, Holy Cross, Cross Village
Mass focused on Bishop Baraga’s legacy in the Diocese of Gaylord

Nov. 4-13, Rome, Italy
Pilgrimage to Italy

Jan. 3, 2026, St. Mary
Closing Mass for the Jubilee Year


Pilgrimage to Italy | November 2025
Join Fr. Matthew Wigton on a Jubilee pilgrimage to Italy!
When: Nov. 4-13, 2025

During this eight-day trip, pilgrims will visit Assisi, Rome and other beautiful religious and holy miracle sites.

With 14 years of experience living in Rome, Fr. Matthew has a deep knowledge of the area and its historical Catholic sites.

Go to Bat for Vocations | May 4
You are invited to a community and fundraising event benefitting the Office of Vocations!
Come and watch our diocesan Clergy & Religious take on students from high schools throughout the Diocese in a friendly game of softball at Turtle Creek Stadium in Traverse City.

Date: Sunday, May 4, 2025
Time: 3:00 PM
Where: Turtle Creek Stadium (333 Stadium Drive, Traverse City, MI 49685)
Cost: Free (Cash and Check donations are accepted)
RSVP not required, but preferred: dioceseofgaylord.org/gotobat

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Pilgrimage to Our Lady of Champion in Wisconsin | May 2025
National Shrine of Our Lady of Champion in the Green Bay, WI area with Bishop Walsh!
When: May 2-4, 2025

The Diocese of Gaylord is organizing a group travel bus to Our Lady of Champion, including the Walk to Mary on May 3, 2025.
Accommodations and costs: Transportation and Walk Fee $150 plus hotel $336 double occupancy

WAIT LIST STARTED: Contact Ami Peterson at apeterson@dioceseofgaylord.org or 989-705-3539 to be added to the waitlist.

Attention High School Youth!
NCYC (National Catholic Youth Conference) is a powerfully unique three-day experience of prayer, community, evangelization, catechesis, service and empowerment for Catholic teenagers (of high school age) and their adult chaperones.

Where: Indianapolis, Indiana
When: November 20-22, 2025

Learn more and register at NCYC.US


Free Large Print Bibles & Missalettes
Since 1900, Xavier Society for the Blind has been providing free braille, audio, and large print materials to Catholics who are blind/visually impaired. Learn more at xaviersocietyfortheblind.org.
If you or anyone you know is interested:
Call 800-637-9193 or 212-473-7800
Email: info@xaviersociety for the blind


Pray Daily with Bishop Walsh
Begin your day in prayer with Bishop Walsh. Each day, the bishop will share a daily prayer and petition, providing an opportunity to reflect before starting your daily routine.

Taken directly from the Liturgy of Hours, the morning prayer intercessions help us in sanctifying the day with prayer, ultimately bringing us closer to God and closer to the universal Church.

Visit our Facebook page facebook.com/diocesegaylord or our YouTube channel youtube.com/@DioceseofGaylordMI to join in the daily Prayers & Intentions. 

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Up North Catholic E-Newsletter
The Diocese of Gaylord has recently launched a weekly e-newsletter that will help deepen your understanding and relationship with God. Subscribe now and receive a variety of faith-based content including Bishop Walsh's "Checking In" video via email every Wednesday afternoon. Sign up today: dioceseofgaylord.org/subscribe.

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Vocation Views

Stewardship by the Book

Stewardship Reflections

Family Perspective by Bud Ozar