This November election, Bishop Jeffrey Walsh and all bishops throughout the state are urging all Michiganders to vote NO on Proposal 3. If passed, the measure would add an amendment to the state constitution to:

- Legalize abortion at any time in pregnancy for any reason.
- Allow abortions to be performed by anyone, even those without a medical license.
- Allow any person to help teens obtain abortions without their parents knowing.
- Protect abortion providers from penalties for killing or injuring a woman during an abortion.
- Revoke state law that requires abortion facilities to be licensed and inspected.
- Require taxpayers to pay for abortions.
Bishop Walsh shares:
"You and your parish will be hearing more about the dangers of Proposal 3 now through election day, as this is an extremely important topic in our state. This is a radical proposed amendment to Michigan’s Constitution that would create a new unlimited right to abortion. Proposal 3 is the most extreme abortion proposal Michigan has ever witnessed — this amendment would invalidate dozens of state laws, including our state’s ban on tax-funded abortions and the partial-birth abortion ban.
This 'Anything Goes' abortion proposal is a grave offense to the dignity and sanctity of human life. The Catholic Church in the Diocese of Gaylord and throughout the state are working in harmony with one another and with Michigan Catholic Conference, Right to Life of Michigan and Citizens to Support MI Women and Children to defeat the proposal.I am asking all Catholics and people of good will to make defeating Proposal 3 a priority from now until election day. This is an 'all hands on deck' moment to come together in prayer, fasting, almsgiving and action to stand up for life. As I shared in the recent issue of FAITH magazine, prayer can move mountains. Let us pray with confidence for the particular intentions of the Holy Family, who exemplify receptivity and fidelity to God's will.
To ensure that you are fully informed of this proposal and our unified effort to defeat it, please review the below resources and share within your families and communities."
The Dangers of Proposal 3: Learn More
For additional resources, click on any of the below materials to learn more about the proposed constitutional amendment and what it would mean for the state of Michigan if passed. Resources can be downloaded and shared with your friends and family.
- More about Proposal 3
- Get Equipped: Resources and Training
How to respond to myths and false claims about Proposal 3
Statewide Lay Equipping Webinar- September 29th, 7- 8:30pm Registration
- Testimonials
Help Defeat Proposal 3
Catholics throughout the state are working together to defeat Proposal 3 with the following action steps:
Prayer, fasting, and almsgiving
- Pray and fast, with the intention that the outcome of election may be one that will protect and uphold the dignity of human life. Click here for a downloadable prayer card, or check with your local parish for a printed copy.
- Consider donating to the campaign working to defeat this proposal. Please note that campaign donations must be made here.
Vote NO on Proposal 3
- Vote NO, either in person on November 8 or by absentee ballot beforehand.
- Check your voter registration status and learn more about how to make sure you vote properly by visiting the Michigan Voter Information Center at mvic.sos.state.mi.us
- Encourage your relatives, friends, coworkers and parishioners to register to vote and vote NO on this proposal.