2022 Michigan Young Adult Hiking & Rafting Pilgrimage

Friday, July 22 at 12:00 AM to Sunday, July 24 at 11:59 PM

***This pilgrimage books quickly...Don't wait too long to reserve your spot!  Register by JULY 1, 2022***


Join young adults from across the state of Michigan for a Catholic pilgrimage weekend of camping, rafting, prayer, friendship, and a 7 mile hike to the Shrine of the Cross in the Woods in Indian River!


Who:  Young adults ages 18-39 are welcome.

When: July 22-24, 2022  Friday evening through Sunday after Mass.
           Friday evening (arrive when you can, dinner on your own).

Where: Cheboyan State Park camp site

Cost: $85 per person

What is included: 2 nights camping at Cheboygan State Park on Lake Huron, hiking and rafting on the Sturgeon river, life jackets, meals for all of Saturday and Sunday breakfast and Mass for two days.

  • We will start the day with a 7 mile hike on the North Central Trail followed by 2 hours of rafting on the Sturgeon river.  We will end the pilgrimage at the Shrine of the Cross in the Woods and then return to camp for dinner.  Mass both days and an overall pilgrimage experience along with an opportunity to meet new friends and grow closer to God.

Transportation, Gear & Tents not included: We suggest you carpool.  You're ultimately responsible to confirm your own transportation to the campground and back home, and also bring your own sleeping gear, additional snacks, hiking boots and a tent.  Men and women must have separate tents unless they are married.

Difficulty level: Hiking 7 miles straight can be challenging. It is a mostly level gravel/dirt path. Bring the proper hiking shoes and be certain that you can hike that distance. Also, you must be comfortable rafting on a fast-moving, shallow river, though no experience is required. Rafts do not usually flip, but people sometimes fall into the river (you will have a life jacket). This is not white-water rafting, but it’s not a lazy river either. It can be exciting and a bit challenging. The Sturgeon River is the fastest river in Michigan’s Lower Peninsula with an average river depth of just 3-4 feet, however, there are deeper pools that can reach 5-8 feet.

Cancellations: Requests will be taken up to 3 weeks before this event.  No refunds will be given after July 1, 2022. 

If you have any questions please contact Dawn Hausmann, Coordinator of Young Adult Ministry, Diocese of Lansing dhausmann@dioceseoflansing.org or 517-342-2506.