When: Monday, March 10th-Wednesday, March 12th, 2025
Where: Pontifical College Josephinum Seminary
If you are currently in high school or college and have ever considered the priesthood, this is your opportunity to experience a seminary and meet seminarians who are discerning the priesthood.
Visit the Pontifical College Josephinum Seminary to:
• grow in your relationship with Christ
• discover the next steps of a consecrated vocation
• hear testimonies from current seminarians
• sit in on seminary classes
• pray with the community
• tour the Josephinum
There is no cost for this event, but please RSVP by completing registration form, emailing vocations@dioceseofgaylord.org, or calling (231) 262-2792
*There are only 9 spots available; first come, first serve. Register by Monday, March 3. Fr. Rexroat will be driving all of the men down in a big van.
The van will leave around 8:00am from Traverse City on Monday, March 10th and return around 10:00pm on Wednesday, March 12th.
Required Forms: Parent Permission Form, Medical Treatment Form
Flyer, Adult Medical Treatment Form, Adult Consent Form