Bishop Walsh Health Announcement- June 17, 2024

June 17, 2024

My dear people,

I write to inform you of a recent health challenge I have experienced. On June 6, 2024, I had an outpatient surgery at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor to remove a stage 2 (C) melanoma on my left leg. On June 11, I received the good news that the melanoma did not spread, and the surgery was successful. Because of the depth of the melanoma, I will follow the recommended medical monitoring protocols through ongoing scans and testing. I am grateful there is no need for cancer treatment at this time. 

The experience of these past few weeks, from the moment I learned the results of a biopsy in early May until now, has helped me appreciate all the more, those who face health challenges, and the amazing health care professionals who care for the sick. Trusting in Divine Providence, let us be ever mindful of our frailties and dependence on God. 

In addition, in the weeks ahead, I will also treat pre-cancerous cells on my forehead with a topical cream. My Dad has been through this treatment four times, as have many others. Do not be alarmed when you see your blotchy bishop this summer with what seems like burnt facial skin. I am told this appearance will last 2-3 weeks. As we hear in Scripture… “this too shall pass.” Thank you for your prayers and be assured of my prayers in solidarity with all the sick. 


In Christ our Life!

+Bishop Walsh