WASHINGTON – “These commutations are a significant step in advancing the cause of human dignity and respect for human life from womb to tomb in our nation,” said Archbishop Timothy P. Broglio, president of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. Upon hearing the news that President Biden has commuted the federal death sentences of 37 men to terms of imprisonment, Archbishop Broglio stated:
“My brother bishops and I unite in expressing our gratitude that President Biden has commuted the federal death sentences of 37 men. The bishops’ conference has long called for an end to the use of the death penalty. This action by the president is a significant step in advancing the cause of human dignity in our nation. As we continue to proclaim the Gospel in a broken world, this act of mercy is a step closer to building a culture of life. We encourage all lawmakers to continue to work towards the total abolition of the death penalty, and to redirect the energy and resources that currently go towards executions to provide compassionate and professional assistance to the families of victims.
“During this season of Advent when our Church prepares for the coming of our Lord, we pray for and encourage all elected leaders to similarly take bold actions to protect human life in all of its stages.”