This weekend, the Diocese of Gaylord will launch its 2023 Catholic Services Appeal (CSA) with a goal of raising $3.6 million dollars to fuel the mission of the Catholic Church locally, regionally and globally.
The 2023 CSA theme – The Source & Summit – reminds us that the grace we received from Jesus is meant to be shared with others.
“During this time Eucharistic Revival, we remember the most profound way to experience God’s love is through the gift of Jesus, fully present to us in the Eucharist,” explains Bishop Jeffrey Walsh. “This is the ultimate gift, for it’s here we are strengthened to carry out our mission. From this source of grace, everything in our life becomes possible and has meaning. This is the height to which our hearts yearn — the source and summit of our faith.
“As the Lord has been generous in his love for us, so too are we invited to share that love with those around us. I invite you to consider the Catholic Services Appeal as one such meaningful way to serve your brothers and sisters throughout our diocese,” says Bishop Walsh.
Gifts to the CSA ensure:
- The Good News is passed on through sacramental preparation and faith formation.
- Families find support through marriage retreats or counseling.
- Our Catholic educators learn from peers and leaders through professional development.
- Our priests are equipped to celebrate the sacraments and share the Bread of Life.
- Young men experience “Come and See” retreats through the Diocesan Vocations Office as they discern the priesthood.
CSA also helps all 75 Diocese of Gaylord parishes by providing essential services like parish bookkeeping, human resources and legal support, worship and liturgy guidance, and sacramental record keeping.
CSA impacts thousands of lives. Hear the stories of six of the faithful in Northern Michigan whose lives have been touched by CSA-supported programs in this video. Learn the many other ways CSA gifts make a difference by visiting DioceseofGaylord.org/CSA23.
To contribute to CSA, give online here.